Title: A Peek Beyond the Consequences Author: Aleatha Romig Genre: Romantic Thriller Release Date: September 1st 2014
Anthony Rawlings is a man most women love to hate or hate to love. Domineering yet caring, demanding yet sensual, he’s truly an enigma, but can he be the one Claire needs and deserves? Will she ever truly find happiness with the man who stole her life but gave her the world? For a glimpse into the future, take a Peek Beyond the Consequences, a novella.
About the Author:
CONSEQUENCES, her first novel, was released August 2011, by Xlibris Publishing. Then in October of 2012, Ms. Romig re-released CONSEQUENCES as an indie author. TRUTH, the sequel, was released October 30, 2012, and CONVICTED, the third in the series, was released October 8, 2013.
Unexpectedly, the fourth book of the Consequences series came to life with REVEALED: THE MISSING YEARS. It is the fourth full-length novel in the series. It explores the missing years in CONVICTED that previously were only mentioned, as well as a complete character glossary and timeline. REVEALED was released May 20, 2014. Aleatha also wrote reading companions for the Consequences Series. BEHIND HIS EYES CONSEQUENCES (Book 1.5) and BEHIND HIS EYES TRUTH (Book 2.5) are currently available for those times and scenes when the readers asked, “What was he thinking?” These companions also contain never before released behind-the-scenes scenes. Aleatha is a “Published Author’s Network” member of the Romance Writers of America and represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Brown and Miller Literary Associates.
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